KALMing Tea Time for Mental Health


The Uncertainties of 2021

As KALMers may be aware, taking care of mental wellbeing has been a key focus throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The emotional stress experienced by many due to social isolation, activity restrictions, economic loss, and inadequate medical response may lead to unhealthy behaviors and unwillingness to follow public health measures. Our coping strategies in the past, such as socializing with friends and family, are no longer okay to do. Although we are seeing glimmers of hope through stories of success in controlling transmissions in some countries and the vaccine rollout, the journey to normalcy is still full of uncertainties.

Stepping into the second year of the pandemic, we have great hopes that 2021 will be better. At the same time, we feel exhausted by the changes in regulations and having to constantly adapt. Not being able to cope with these uncertainties may further negatively impact mental wellbeing. Given that the foreseeable future is so uncertain, what can we do to make sure our minds and bodies are healthy?

Men Sana in Copore Sano (a Sound Mind in a Sound Body)

One of the simplest ways of managing stress is by manipulating our physical body, whether it is through exercise, diet, sleep or relaxation techniques. A common household remedy is to drink teas - known to have all sorts of health benefits, including helping with relaxation. Given that the list of beneficial plants that can be made into various kinds of brews, the combination of teas to boost your overall well being is also endless.

Explore Tea With Dilmah

Dilmah offers a wide variety of deliciously crafted tea to help you, KALMers, on your journey to well being. Below are some suggestions to help you get started:

Dilmah Pure Chamomile Flowers & Dilmah Pure Peppermint Leaves are great for ending the day. These two varieties have great calming effects to ease your thoughts and improve your sleep so that you wake up fresh and ready. In addition to calming the head, they also help release tension in the throat and alleviate digestive issues. For a boost in immunity, try Dilmah Ginger & Honey tea on days when you need extra help in strengthening antibodies and weathering through seasonal changes. If ginger is too spicy for your liking, Dilmah Lemon Tea is also a great choice to give your palate extra zing without the kick. Drinkin tea as filling in gratitude journal in KALM app can also be a self-care routine that you can try (read this article to know more about gratitude journaling).

So here you go, KALMers! Lets start exploring your new self-care routine with Dilmah and KALM!

This article is sponsored by Dilmah Tea Indonesia

Author: Jessie Yunus
Editor: Lukas Limanjaya


  1. Pfefferbaum, B., & North, C. S. (2020). Mental Health and the Covid-19 Pandemic.The New England Journal of Medicine,383(6), 510512. https://doi.org/10.1056/NEJMp2008017

  2. Satici, B., Saricali, M., Satici, S. A., Griffiths, M. D. (2020). Intolerance of uncertainty and mental wellbeing: Serial mediation by rumination and fear of COVID-19. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 1-12. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11469-020-00305-0

  3. Dealing with the Uncertainty During the Coronavirus Pandemic. (2020, April). Help Guide. Retrieved February 21, 2020 from https://www.helpguide.org/articles/anxiety/dealing-with-uncertainty.htm

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